Candid Botanicals
Candid Botanicals is a project that was started during 2020 on some very long walks. Coming from a long line of gardeners I watched my mother slowly expanding the garden to overtake the rest of the yard as I was growing up and my grandfather tending his cherished roses. I believe some of my first "real" photographs were of beautiful pink and white tuberous begonias on the front porch of my childhood house that we had picked out at the local nursery. Plants have always been a huge part of my life, but something clicked on those long walks in what I've come to call the modern day of victory gardens, and I realized I needed to give life to this thought. In 2022 I started Candid Botanicals as nothing more than a social media page with a goal to post a photo every day. A few weeks into posting my grandmother, the first photographer in the family, shyly asked me "...have you seen this 'Candid Botanicals' on the internet?" And I was able to very proudly tell her that yes, I have, and they're all my photos. I hope I make her proud.