
Hi there! I'm Julie Celidonia.

I'm a pet and plant photographer currently living in Pittsburgh, PA. It's sometimes hard for me to believe that I've had a camera in hand for almost a decade now. And I still don't really know what I want to do with my life, but cameras, plants, and animals doesn't seem like a bad start.

"Julie Celidonia Pet Photography" was started in 2019 with a goal to photograph everyone's animals in the way that they see them. One of my favorite quotes is "Everyone thinks they have the best dog. And none of them are wrong." Because

I have ALSO fallen in love with every single dog I've met on this journey. Between the silly puppies who won't sit still to the stoic elderly pets who won't look at me without their owner cooing above me, if I can even capture a glimpse into the relationship you've formed with your best friend, I feel like I've done my job right.

"Candid Botanicals" was officially formed in 2022 when I realized I had about a million plant photos that I was doing approximately zero things with so I created a social media page in order to better share them with my family, and now it seems I can't stop. Even though I've been photographing plants for as long as I've had a camera, I don't think it occurred to me until recently just how much I love them. I believe I've walked around nurseries and botanical gardens and said "Ooo! This is my favorite flower!" at least a dozen times. But...they can all be my favorite, right?

And huge thank you for being here and supporting me!


-Might be made of actual gold

-Of course I'm biased but, the best dog ever

-Also very bad

-Once ate a wet hot dog out of the stream before we could stop him

-Favorite activities in order: new people, food, walks, ball, belly scratches

-Thinks the double coat means that he can stay in the snow as long as a husky


-Easily could have been a street cat

-Is now a princess because *she* chose to adopt *me*

-Also bad, meows too much

-She's named after "Maisy Mouse", the cartoon

-Is scared of thunderstorms and requires swaddling

-Has the best and brightest whiskers